So much gratitude to my friends over at Hot Yoga Maple Shade for having me come by for an alignment clinic. I had a blast working with everybody.
Here's a video from day one of the clinic, focusing on a good way to set up your Full Locust pose. Points to remember:
-Press fingertips down with bent elbows to keep the shoulders and neck free when lifting up.
-Don't dump the pose into your low back, keep your belly strong!
-Tuck in low ribs and keep legs strong, press tailbone down slightly.
You'll find this setup helps you isolate your spine strength and puts you in great shape for long term development in your practice. Even if you don't do it this way in class, it can be helpful to try it out a couple times before or after class starts to get a sense of how it feels to really engage the full spine strength.
My deepest gratitude. Be well, friends.